Forums - Anakaris strats: Show all 16 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Anakaris strats: ( Posted by data888 on 03:15:2001 08:21 PM: How come I don't see any anakaris players nowadays? His idle hands is unblockable and he can drop sarcophagus all day on turtle players like cable and juggy (hah) except he takes damage like strider. He's certainly the odd character with the strangest moves but he's got potential I also need help in using him please post some strategies / suggestions Posted by Dakkon Blackblade on 03:15:2001 08:27 PM: Don't take me seriously on this but, I really dislike Anakaris. I play him a lot trying to make him good but the way he moves is totally not anyone's style, I mean when you jump he slowly drifts around and it's impossible to get to someone like Dhalsim before they just snap your neck! So IMO I really want to like Anakaris but he ain't showin me not potential. Proud owner of The Chocobo Cafe "My power is as vast as the plains; my strength is that of mountains. Each wave that crashes upon the shore thunders like blood in my viens." - Dakkon Blackblade Posted by Jinmaster on 03:15:2001 08:33 PM: Ive been experimenting a bit more with him, and he seems useful as a Spiral counter. I drop sarcophs far to stop her keep-away, and when she teleports I do a close one and it smacks her. I can randomly do the sarcoph-drop super and I put Storm second in order to DHC to safety or to catch a teleporting spiral. Also, the accepted 100% with him is to do this combo: Dashing C.2(call cylops AAA), C.2, SJ. 2, 2, mummify special, repeat. The second hit of the AC will knock them into cyclops and your mummify speical will hit. From there you just do it again cuase they can't do anything after they are mummified. You could also just launch into 1,2, back-forward+PP, mash the shit out of it, cancel to hailstorm. That does massive damage if you mash long enough and DHC at the last possible second. His throw assist is mad good at stopping traps since he becomes invincible once he grabs, I've secaped Sent/BH traps just by mashing on him. His assist also lets you do things that are normally unsafe, like making another cable block your cable's C.short C.forward. S.roundhouse chain. If you call Anakar during the roundhouse the other Cable can only do ducking moves, if he tries to AHVB or stand up he gets thrown and you get free AHVB x whatever. I haven't found a perfect team for him yet, but I think Anakaris-B/Storm-A/Clops-B works best. Storm can easily combo a launch after a landed anakaris assist and she can use Clops for an AC setup: she can dash and and SJ and do her AC. Clops can use anakaris with his meter-building strat, every time you land it, you get to dash over and S.roundhouse x 2 into a kick super which you hold straight and mash and slightly move up. -Micah note: The 100% infinite with Clops does not work on the Dreamcast. [This message has been edited by Jinmaster (edited 03-15-2001).] Posted by data888 on 03:15:2001 08:38 PM: Thanks I'll keep that in mind I was thinking of doing a sentinal g-assist followed by dash s.jab s.jab idle hands I find that works perfectly now that I think about it it wouldn't be safe to drop sarcophaguses when the other player has an BH assist or capcom assist am I right or is there another way around it? Posted by Jinmaster on 03:15:2001 08:40 PM: data 888, If you plan on playing keep away, you should call storm from full-screen and then SJ so they cannot call BH. I drop 1-2 coffins and try to mix my game up if they have BH. I don't think you should mess too much with idle hands when Anakar is on point, becuse they can duck it and call an assist to hit you. -Micah Posted by Nutlog on 03:15:2001 08:48 PM: I've been working on playing Anakaris, as well, working him into my freak team (Anakaris, Zangief, Omega Red) One thing I really have to hand to Anakaris, though. Actually two. He can stay in the air longer than anyone without flight and his air combos do sick damage while building huge amounts of bar. (corner, c.2, sj.1, sj.2, Cobra Blow-lp, sj.1, Cobra Blow-lp, Mira Drop-lp = 40% damage vs. cable and 1 level of hyper bar almost) The only thing that I really had to get used to was making the use of his air dash a must. You absolutely must use his air dash if you plan to go airborne without super-jumping. Otherwise, he is a great bar builder (I'd go as far as to say better than Omega Red) Posted by Shc888 on 03:15:2001 08:51 PM: quote: Originally posted by Jinmaster: note: The 100% infinite with Clops does not work on the Dreamcast. wonder. I've been trying to do that forever and I've never gotten to connect...its been driving me crazy.. Posted by cheeese on 03:15:2001 08:55 PM: ana. is pretty cool if you put him with the right assist! I know of only 2 ana. players over here in this detroit area. but one of them play a good keep away with coffens and rocks coming and you. the other can actually play up close and fake you out with that annoying high foot them sweep of his. I used to play him but quit cause sent. goes better with my play style. "If you don't like the block damage then don't block" Posted by Jinmaster on 03:15:2001 08:57 PM: Guys, I didn't post the combo right, the combo I posted was: "Dashing C.2(call cylops AAA), C.2, SJ. 2, 2, mummify special, repeat." The mistake I made is in **: Dashing C.2(call cylops aaa), **LAUNCH**, SJ. 2, 2, mummify special, repeat. My bad, and yes, only in the arcade. -Micah Posted by DarthSalamander on 03:15:2001 09:29 PM: Why doesn't it work on DC? "You spoony bard!" - Tellah(he died for you) Posted by Jinmaster on 03:15:2001 09:32 PM: The DC is glitchy, and there are a ton if things you can do on the DC that you can't do in the arcade, and for some things its vice-versa. I don't have a list of glitches on me, but I know that some glitches freeze the DC. -Micah Posted by kdcmarvel on 03:17:2001 12:58 PM: quote: Originally posted by Jinmaster: note: The 100% infinite with Clops does not work on the Dreamcast. It works, Jin. It's just a little bit different(in fact, even easier). When you hit with cyclps, just sj. and do the little doll move(sorry, I don't know the name). It connects. Then, just do it again as long as you want, I think you can kill an average character with about 6 rotations of that. See you later! Posted by TimeFlip on 03:17:2001 07:12 PM: Maybe pairing Anakaris with Blackheart AAA? Call Blackheart, jump and do the sarcophagus slam thing. Is this a trap? Posted by angelassassin on 03:17:2001 07:23 PM: this is just me but i cant work idle hands into my game play. iits just too risky. i still have to learn howto use his throw assist. the one thing i can depend on is his coffin drop. they do a good amount of damage and they come from the celing. i dont know what that means to you but i think a person that is closer to the top of the screen is sorta screwed (that means people like jugg) one way or another anakaris is powerful... he just cant get hit...period hey...u! i'm getting better. (Finally) Anakaris rules...kinda Posted by TimeFlip on 03:17:2001 08:07 PM: Now that I think about it, Anakaris is runaway Storm's hell. The coffin drop can be in four different spots, and Storm is highly likely to get hit. You could also try a tiger knee Pharaoh Curse. It's a pretty cool move that leads to his many infinites. The problem is trying to hit the person with it. Cyclops AAA? If these two facts are true, Anakaris might get more respect in tournament play... Posted by dj-b13 on 03:17:2001 11:13 PM: anakaris...i use him with doom/cyclops All times are GMT. The time now is 10:37 PM. Show all 16 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.